Thursday, August 30, 2012

More on POVs

OK, so, my teacher taught us a little bit about point of view today. So here's a more detailed version of the previous post...
The point of view is who is telling the story. The two most common types of point of view are first person and third person. In first person point of view, one of the characters tells the story. The person tells what they observe and feel.
There are three types of third person point of view.
  • Third person omniscient: In third person omniscient, the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of every character.
  • Limited third person: In limited third person point of view, the narrator only knows the feelings of one character.
  • Third person objective: In third person objective point of view, the narrator only tells what is happening. No thoughts or feelings are included.
 Your narrator may change in each chapter. You may write a rough draft but change the point of view when you revise, since it doesn't work.
Which point of view do you think you'll choose?

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